So you got yourself a standing desk, right? Look, that’s great, but if you want to take it to the next level then you’ll want to add some additional accessories to give yourself the full experience.
Especially when you first get a standing desk, a lot of “newbies” tend to never really use their standing desk, and just end up sitting most of the time. That makes it kind of pointless doesn’t it?
Well, if you have everything set up right then you’ll get the most use out it. So to help you out, here are the best standing desk accessories to add to your standing desk as we head into 2019.
Best Standing Desk Accessories
So I’ll give you these in order of what I think are the most important down to the not so needed accessories, some just “stand out” over others (get it…). Ok enough lame dad jokes, here we go.
1. Articulating Monitor Arms
Picture this. You sit down at your desk, you have your monitor all set up in the right place as you lay back in your chair. You get some work done. And guess what? It’s time to stand, maybe even do a little dance. Ya know, feel good. You’re all excited as you stand up and then wait..what..your monitor’s just way too short.
I mean your hands are in the right place, but you have to strain your neck to get a good view of your monitor. Ugh, what a drag (1st world problems). Anyways, this is where that whole monitor arm comes in place.
You can simply adjust it up and down or even left or right with over a foot of distance either way. This is absolutely an ideal accessory you’ll want to add to your standing desk.
The great thing is, most of these bad boys aren’t too overly priced for as cool as they are. You can go with one as cheap as $30, or go with a high-end item up to around 300 bucks. There are a lot of good options, here are my favorites though.
2. Standing Desk Mats
The next thing is getting a standing desk mat to go with your standing desk. You would be surprised just how much better these mats make standing.
The problem with a lot of people is that after they have their sit/stand desk they realize that even though sitting sucks, so does standing all day.
The idea is to do both. But getting a standing mat really alleviates a lot of pressure you put on your feet, knees, hips, and just your overall body as all of your joints tend to get tired from standing in one spot.
Which mats are the best? Well, most people just tend to go with a cheaper option. This isn’t a bad way to go but some actually tend to be worth the extra money to go with some better quality mats as some even come with 10+ year warranties.
A cheap one could only last 6 months to a year if you’re standing on it for several hours a day. Either way, whatever item you decide to go with, this is going to improve your standing desk experience drastically. Here are some of the best options you can go with.
3. Comfortable Shoes
Trying to stand all day on some low-quality shoes compared to some high-quality shoes is like night and day. You simply have to get comfortable shoes that are made for standing all day.
Now if you combine some comfortable shoes with a standing desk mat. Then you are completely set…to stand. This is something that is completely overlooked though.
You would never see someone in a factory job that stands for 8 hours get some cheap pair of shoes with very little padding, so why would it be any different while you’re standing at your desk?
Do yourself a favor, and treat yourself to some comfortable shoes. Hell, you can even get some that actually look good while you’re at it.
4. A Comfortable Chair
Why is this so low on the list? Seriously, who’s writing this? Come on, you have to have a comfortable chair to go with your standing desk.
More than likely, you’re not going to be just standing all day long. In fact, you shouldn’t. So finding the right chair for you is going to be really important.
Now, a lot of people are going to do well with chairs that not only support your lower back but also place you in an upright position.
This is what the common advice is, to sit completely upright. But that may not actually be completely true as “laying back” at an angle actually puts less pressure on your spine.
So if you want a chair that allows you to lay back as well, that’s fine too. It’s all completely subjective. The main thing is that you find something that works for you since even with a standing desk, you’ll still be sitting quite a bit.
There are a lot of different options you can go with in this department and the price range is quite vast as you can easily spend over a grand on a quality chair, or you can spend a hundred bucks and get something that works for you. It’s really going to be personal preference here.
5. Leaning Seat for Your Standing Desk
There are several different types of leaning seats. You can keep it simple and go with one that will be an accessory to your desk. This one here collapses into about a 1-foot piece that you can place in a bag. So you could still have your regular chair and just set this one aside until you want to use it.
This makes the perfect standing desk accessory because sometimes even if you know you need to stand but just don’t feel like it, then this can take its place.
You aren’t fully standing, and you aren’t fully sitting. You’re using a leaning chair which is kind of the best of both worlds.
I love the collapsible version because this way you can try it out to see if it is something that will work for you. If it does, then you can always upgrade and go with something a little more permanent.
Investing in one of these will make sure you’re staying active at work. This won’t be for everyone, as it is quite the change from your normal sitting, but if you do decide to go with it your standing desk experience can really change.
These are great because they alleviate pressure put on your feet, knees, hips, and really your entire body.
6. Foam Rollers/Massage Accessories
Now, this is something that can benefit anyone whether or not they have a standing desk. Being able to take a short break and to use a foam roller can greatly benefit yourself as it will counter stiffness and poor circulation caused by a lack of exercise.
It’s true, anyone that works at an office for 8+ hours a day simply isn’t moving as much as they should be. So adding either a foam roller or something else to massage your body will have immense benefits.
A foam roller that has added trigger point bumps on it is really ideal for working out tight back muscles and is one of the best things you can use on a daily basis.
That being said, another good option to try is to use lacrosse balls for massage therapy. A lot of people use tennis balls but a lacrosse ball is a lot denser and really is the ideal massage therapy accessory. In addition to being great massage accessories, they are also small and fit nicely in a desk drawer.
7. Foot Rest Under Desk
Adding a footrest under your standing desk can be used mainly for sitting, but also while you are standing. It’s obvious how one of these would be used while sitting as you can prop your feet off of the ground.
However, they make footstools now that are angled so that it is the perfect set up for your feet (it’s 2018, why wouldn’t they? lol).
But you can also utilize these while you’re standing with one foot at a time up on the footrest. This way you can actually bend over a bit while standing if you want instead of just being upright the entire time you are standing.
Instead of just a solid plastic, you can get one that is made of memory foam or even one that has bumps on it that can help massage your foot.
Both of those types are the best direction to go if you’re looking to add a footrest under your standing desk.
8. Treadmill for Your Standing Desk
Having a standing desk and using a treadmill at the same time has become a common trend these days, and for good reason.
Even if you only utilize it for an hour a day then you’ll burn roughly 200 calories just doing that. So for 1/8th of your day, you can get some excellent benefits.
And obviously exercising has a lot more benefits than just burning calories as it will help improve insulin sensitivity and increase blood flow as well.
Both things are well needed if you are normally standing dormant all day for 8+ hours.
Of course, this is quite an investment which is why it isn’t higher up on the list. You may not really think of this as a standing desk accessory but more so that your standing desk would be an accessory to this!
It is definitely something worth investing in if you take your health seriously though. Don’t underestimate how much this can change your workday.
9. An Under Desk Keyboard and Mouse Tray
These can be a great addition to a full standing desk, of course, these aren’t something you would use with a standing desk converter.
That being said, getting a keyboard that attaches to your desk and goes underneath your desk can place your arms in the correct ergonomic position.
Overall, I don’t at all consider these a necessary addition to a standing desk because you can always just lower your desk a little more or even raise your chair a little more to get into the correct position.
However, considering some of these adjust up and down, you could use one of these in place of an articulating monitor arm if that’s what you really want to do. So your monitor wouldn’t need to be adjusted up if you just adjusted your keyboard down instead.
Overall, I like monitor arms a lot more as these won’t be as sturdy as your actual desktop, but could be a nice option to help out ergonomically.
10. Portable Office Bike
This is placed at the bottom for a reason. Although it is an excellent option to have, it’s pretty hard to ride a bike and get work done at the same time.
If you’re using a treadmill then you can simply choose a slow setting and walk at a pace that is comfortable for you to still be able to type.
With a portable office bike accessory, it’s a bit hard to go at a slow pace. But this could be great for short spurts during your day.
This could be something to utilize as you’re at a stopping point or are at a point in the day where you need to reflect on your work.
But actually doing work while riding a bike, I don’t know about that. Well, I’m sure some people are able to pull this off.
So these are the 10 best standing desk accessories you can add to your standing desk in my opinion. The great thing about these is that you don’t have to add them all at once. Although, if you did, you would have one epic office set up.
Some of these are must-adds and others are just not so much needed but can still benefit your work day.
Out of all of these, if you were to only add one or two of these accessories then I would highly recommend a monitor arm or a standing desk mat.
Both of these accessories will make your standing desk experience worlds better than if you don’t add these.
At the end of the day, if you’re spending most of your adult life at work then you may as well give yourself the most comfortable experience while you’re doing it, and these will help.
I hope you enjoyed the article! Is there anything I didn’t mention on this list that you use at your standing desk? Let me know in the comments below!
Really awesome set of features here! I’ve never actually had a standing desk but it’s something I’m leaning ever so closer to. I imagine there are loads of benefits while compared to sitting down all day long.
I particularly like the monitor arm! This is a really cool accessory and is something I can imagine is really useful. Out of interest, how much of your day do you spend standing at the desk (as opposed to sitting)?
Hey there, and thanks for commenting. You won’t regret it if you decide to get a standing desk. If you end up deciding to get one here are a few choices you can go with:
The monitor arm is a really great feature whether or not you have a standing desk and some people even use these as a standing desk since they can be tilted up. It’s not really ideal but it’s better than nothing.
And as far as how much I stand it really depends on the day. Usually I would say I actually sit more than I stand. So out of an 8 hour day it may only be an hour or two that I stand. Personally that’s all I need, but I couldn’t go without it.
Ha, the intro made me smile. I’m one of those newbies who ended up sitting after having bought a standing desk. *palm on face*
(Thanks for the standing desk recommendations, by the way).
While I agree that you shouldn’t always be standing and having a good chair and foam roller certainly might help, I was surprised to hear that standing desk mats are really THAT helpful.
Now… Is it safe to assume that mats with an uneven surface are better than flat ones (to stretch calves and generally move around more)?
Ha yeah, people tend to do that if standing is uncomfortable for them, as it can be easier to just relax and sit down. Your body will thank you for it if you actually use it though.
As for the mats, it depends because if you go with one of the uneven surfaces to massage your feet and what not then your chair may not be able to sit on top of it and you’ll have to move it every time you switch back.
So it’s entirely up to you, overall they are better if you don’t mind doing that. Over time though you can tell the difference from not having one, and either option will make standing a lot better. And who knows you might even use your standing desk if you get one lol. Good luck finding something that works.
Instead of the under desk cycle, you could also use a Standing Desk Bike like the one from FitDesk. Compact, easy to move, and has a comfortable seat so you can use it as a stool if you want to stop pedaling.