If you are considering getting a standing desk then here are some tips for using it. It could benefit you to consider these ahead of time before buying so that you find one that is right for you. Hopefully, this can help you get the most out of a standing desk.
10 Benefits of a Standing Desk Workstation
Are you considering getting a standing desk? You may be wondering what exactly the benefits are of standing at work, instead of sitting. Like anything, it will depend on the person. For me, getting a desk that allowed me to stand up when I needed to was one of the most important things in reducing […]
What is the Psoas Stretch? Can it Heal Your Lower Back Pain?
The psoas (so-az) muscle is one of the most important muscles of your entire core. Sitting all day like many of us do leads to tightening of the psoas muscle. In case you’re wondering exactly what the psoas muscle is it looks like this:
Average Desk Height-Does it Fit You Personally?
The main issue when considering desk height would be if you’re short, how low your desk height needs to go when sitting down. Desks tend to be made for taller people because it’s less noticeable if a desk is too tall for people compared to a desk being too short. If you’re short then you can […]
Here are the Tallest Standing Desks You Can Find
Here are some of the tallest standing desks you can find. Technically, I only recommend sit/stand desks, but what you want to know is if your desk will be tall enough for you while standing. So if you’re on the taller end of the scale then this is everything you need to know when looking […]